Tankless water heater in Costa Mesa

Did you know that you have options for water heaters in Costa Mesa? You don’t just have to replace your current heater with one that is exactly like it.

You could get a heat pump water heater, a high-efficiency water heater, or even a tankless water heater installation. Get a water heater from our Costa Mesa plumbers that will improve your home’s efficiency today.

Conventional (Tank) Water Heaters

These are what most people think of when they think of water heaters in Costa Mesa. These heaters have large insulated tanks that hold water and keep it warm for whenever you need it.

While these water heaters have a relatively low installation cost, you’ll pay more for an efficient version. If you care about high efficiency water heaters in Costa Mesa, you’ll likely want something else. They also take up a lot of space.

Solar Water Heaters

Solar water heaters in Costa Mesa also have a tank, but the water is heated by power that comes from solar panels on the roof. These water heaters use renewable energy and will lower your bills, but solar panels are expensive to install and these will only work optimally in places that get quite a bit of sun.

Heat Pump Water Heaters

Heat pump water heaters don’t generate heat, but instead pull it out of the air around them. They are definitely high-efficiency water heaters in Costa Mesa, using up to 60% less energy than conventional ones. They also require less maintenance, but need quite a bit of space to function safely and well.

Condensing Water Heaters

Condensing water heaters are a lot like conventional systems, except that they recycle hot exhaust gas that would normally leave the home and, instead, use it to heat water. These are great for the environment and very inexpensive to install, but they cost up to 3 times as much as a conventional system and configuring your home to use one can be challenging.

Tankless Water Heaters Costa Mesa

Tankless water heaters make hot water as you need it, so you don’t have to waste energy or space storing it. You can have virtually limitless hot water for your home, as long as you get the right tankless water heater installation for your needs. Tankless water heaters do have a max capacity and they do cost more upfront, and larger homes or families may need two if they run out of hot water regularly. However, many people find that they are cheaper to run and they enjoy not waiting for hot water.

Costa Mesa Water Heater Replacement

If you’re thinking about a Costa Mesa water heater replacement, contact us at DC Drains & Plumbing today! We’ll help you get the water heater you want and need, and install it so you can have your hot water back on soon.

Did you know you can conserve water at home by taking some simple steps with your home’s plumbing? It’s true. Here’s how to optimize your plumbing to save water and help the planet today.

Find Leaks and Fix Them Fast!

Outdoor water leak in need of repair

Do you have leaks or do you suspect that you have them? Call for slab leak detection in Costa Mesa today! We’ll find your leaks and fix them fast so your home doesn’t waste water and so you don’t have to pay for more water than you’re actually using.

Install Easy Plumbing Upgrades that Save Water

Some easy efficient plumbing upgrades can make your home run better and conserve water. We can handle your high-efficiency toilet installation. And don’t worry! These units flush so much better than older low-water models!

We can also install more efficient shower heads, as well as aerators on your faucets. Before long, you’ll have the most efficient plumbing system in your neighborhood.

Perform Needed Plumbing Repairs ASAP

If your home needs plumbing repairs, get those done. Broken plumbing tends to use more water than it needs to, even if you don’t have leaks. Not sure if you need plumbing repairs? Call us for a plumbing system evaluation today. We’ll help you get more efficient plumbing fast!

Turn Off the Water Whenever You Can

One easy way to save water is to turn off your water whenever possible. If it’s raining, don’t run your sprinklers that day. If you’re shaving or washing, turn off the water in the shower. These little steps can go a long way toward saving water, and may do more than a more expensive high-efficiency toilet installation or other more costly investments.

Recycle Water for Use Outdoors

If you want the most efficient plumbing system around, start recycling water that you use indoors for outdoor use. You don’t want to save water with chemicals or soap in it, since those can damage your landscaping, but other water can be saved and reused outside. There are a variety of systems we can help you install that will reuse your water.

If everyone does their part, we can use less water, which is good for the whole planet. From leak detection in Costa Mesa or sewer services, to staying on top of plumbing repairs, every little bit that you do will help the earth to thrive. Call us at DC Drains & Plumbing today if you want help making your plumbing more efficient.

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